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[2023-01-10] 华盛顿邮报 - 独家:卫星图像显示中国火葬场人潮汹涌

An overwhelmed funeral home in Chengdu, China, stopped offering memorial services, budgeting just two minutes for each family to say goodbye to loved ones before cremation. A funeral parlor on the outskirts of Beijing quickly cleared space for a new parking lot. Scalpers in Shanghai sold places in line at funeral homes for $300 a pop to grieving relatives trying to get cremation slots.
中国成都一家不堪重负的殡仪馆停止提供追悼会,每个家庭只为火葬前安排两分钟与亲人道别。 北京郊区的一家殡仪馆很快腾出空间建了一个新停车场。 上海的黄牛以 300 美元一个的价格出售殡仪馆排队的位置,让悲伤的亲属试图获得火葬名额。

Still, the Chinese government continues to insist that fewer than 40 people have died in China of covid since Dec. 7, when “zero covid” restrictions aimed at entirely eliminating the virus were suddenly dropped — and infection numbers exploded.
尽管如此,中国政府仍然坚称,自 12 月 7 日以来,中国死于武汉肺炎的人数不到 40 人,当时旨在完全消除该病毒的“动态清零”限制措施突然取消——感染人数激增。

A Washington Post examination of satellite imagery, firsthand videos posted to social media and witness accounts suggests that China’s covid death toll is far higher than the government’s tally, undermining Beijing’s claim that the outbreak remains under control.

Funeral homes across the country have seen a dramatic increase in activity compared with a few months ago and with the same time last year, as vehicles deliver bodies and residents line up to have their loved ones cremated, according to The Post’s analysis. It provides clear visual evidence that official records do not reflect the full toll of the outbreak.
根据《邮报》的分析,与几个月前和去年同期相比,全国各地的殡仪馆活动急剧增加,因为车辆运送尸体,居民排队等候火化他们的亲人。 它提供了清晰的视觉证据,表明官方记录并未反映爆发的全部死亡人数。

Imagery captured by Maxar Technologies and provided to The Post showed an uptick in activity at funeral homes across six different cities, from Beijing in the north to Nanjing in the east, to Chengdu and Kunming in the southwest.
Maxar Technologies 拍摄并提供给邮报的图像显示,从北部的北京到东部的南京,再到西南的成都和昆明,六个不同城市的殡仪馆活动有所增加。

The imagery is consistent with interviews The Post conducted with mourning Chinese residents and funeral home workers. Social media posts verified by The Post reveal long wait times and overwhelmed staff at additional facilities. In all of the areas analyzed, the official death toll announced by authorities was in the single digits — if reported at all.
这些图像与邮报对哀悼的中国居民和殡仪馆工作人员进行的采访一致。 经邮报核实的社交媒体帖子显示,等待时间长,额外设施的工作人员不堪重负。 在所有分析的地区,当局公布的官方死亡人数都是个位数——如果有报道的话。

“I have worked here for six years and it has never been this busy,” said a receptionist at the Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing in southwest China who described long lines of cars waiting to get into the facility during the days just before and after Christmas. The freezers were full and all eight incinerators were operating 24/7, she said.
“我在这里工作了六年,从来没有这么忙过,”中国西南部重庆市江南殡仪馆的一名接待员说,他描述了圣诞节前后几天等待进入该设施的长长的汽车队伍 . 她说,冰柜已经满了,所有八个焚化炉都在 24/7 全天候运行。

“The phone has basically not stopped ringing,” she said, hanging up before she could give her name.

In China, when a family member dies at home or in the hospital, relatives typically call a funeral home or a third party to pick up the body. They register, often in person, with a death certificate and identification of their late relative before being assigned a time slot for the cremation — the main way the deceased are handled in Chinese cities — and memorial service.
在中国,当家人在家里或医院去世时,亲属通常会打电话给殡仪馆或第三方来接遗体。 他们通常亲自出示死亡证明和已故亲属的身份证明,然后被分配一个时间段进行火葬——中国城市处理死者的主要方式——和追悼会。

It is not uncommon for funeral homes to be busier during the winter months. But the volume of traffic seen in satellite imagery, along with videos and photos showing a crush of people waiting inside and outside these facilities, suggest activity beyond that seen during comparable periods over the past year.
殡仪馆在冬季比较繁忙的情况并不少见。 但卫星图像中看到的交通量,以及显示这些设施内外等待的大量人群的视频和照片表明,交通活动超过了过去一年可比时期的水平。

Distinctive vans commonly used as hearses were among vehicles identified in satellite footage and videos verified by The Post. Footage of long lines at night outside funeral homes indicates that some family members have waited overnight to make arrangements for their deceased.
通常用作灵车的独特货车是卫星镜头和经邮报证实的视频中识别出的车辆之一。 夜间在殡仪馆外排长队的镜头表明,一些家庭成员已经通宵等待为死者做安排。

Demand has become so high that at least four of the funeral homes contacted by The Post have stopped allowing memorial services and are now offering only cremation services and storage, an indication that the majority of people waiting at these facilities were there to process recently deceased loved ones.

Exactly how Chinese authorities count covid deaths has been a point of contention since the start of the pandemic. Since December, only people who died of respiratory failure have been included in the official count, regardless of whether they tested positive for the virus. Chinese health officials have tried to reassure the public by citing the low fatality rate, 0.1 percent, of the omicron variant. Officially, just over 5,200 people have died of covid in China since the beginning of the pandemic.
自疫情开始以来,中国当局究竟如何计算武汉肺炎死亡人数一直是争论的焦点。 自去年 12 月以来,只有死于呼吸衰竭的人被纳入官方统计,无论他们的病毒检测是否呈阳性。 中国卫生官员试图通过引用 omicron 变种的低死亡率(0.1%)来安抚公众。 据官方统计,自疫情开始以来,中国有超过 5,200 人死于武汉肺炎

Projections made by international experts put the real death toll closer to 5,000 people each day, with several models predicting more than 1 million covid deaths in China in 2023. The elderly population, among whom booster rates are especially low, is expected to suffer the most.
国际专家预测,每天的实际死亡人数接近 5,000 人,多个模型预测 2023 年中国将有超过 100 万人死于武汉肺炎。其中老年人口的助推器率特别低,预计受影响最大 .

“The good side is that they are dealing with the omicron, not the original or delta variants,” said Mai He, a professor of pathology and immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the lead author of a 2020 report that used crematorium estimates to suggest underreporting of deaths in Wuhan, where the coronavirus first emerged. “The bad thing is, due to zero covid, most Chinese, their immune system has not been primed.”
“好的一面是,他们正在处理 omicron,而不是原始或 delta 变体,”圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院病理学和免疫学教授、2020 年通过火葬场来估算武汉肺炎始发地的武汉的死亡人数严重谎报的文章主要作者麦贺说。 。 “糟糕的是,由于动态清零,大多数中国人的免疫系统还没有准备好。”

China’s National Health Commission and its Foreign Ministry did not respond to requests for comment.

But in a sharply worded commentary published Monday, the People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, defended the approach. “China follows a science-based approach in preventing and controlling COVID-19 and has been constantly fine-tuning its response measures in light of the evolving situation,” the commentary said.
但在周一发表的措辞尖锐的评论中,执政的中国共产党的喉舌《人民日报》为这种做法辩护。 “中国在预防和控制武汉肺炎方面遵循基于科学的方法,并根据不断变化的形势不断微调其应对措施,”评论说。

For the Chinese Communist Party and leader Xi Jinping, however, evidence of exponentially higher-than-reported deaths poses a direct challenge to their narrative that, under their wise leadership, the Chinese approach to covid is superior to Western ones.

“China was so proud of its covid control measures until spring of 2021,” said Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations. “But look at now. Everything has fallen apart and its pandemic response model has become a laughingstock. This is going to affect not just the leaders but the legitimacy of the regime itself.”
“中国为其 2021 年春季之前的武汉肺炎控制措施感到非常自豪,”外交关系委员会全球卫生高级研究员 Yanzhong Huang 说。 “但是看看现在。 一切都分崩离析,其疫情应对模式已成为笑柄。 这不仅会影响领导人,还会影响政权本身的合法性。”


In November, new outbreaks emerged in some of China’s biggest cities, such as Beijing and Guangzhou, despite the government’s zero-covid policy, prompting a new tightening of measures. In response, there were mass protests of a size and scale not seen in decades.
11 月,尽管政府实施了动态清零政策,但北京和广州等中国一些大城市仍出现新的疫情,促使采取新的收紧措施。 作为回应,出现了数十年来从未见过的规模和规模的大规模抗议活动。

After authorities dramatically lifted most restrictions in early December, infections ripped through the population, which has little natural immunity to the virus; most residents have been immunized with Chinese-made vaccines that are less effective against the omicron variant.
在当局于 12 月初大幅取消大部分限制后,感染在对病毒几乎没有天然免疫力的人群中蔓延; 大多数居民都接种了中国制造的疫苗,但这些疫苗对 omicron 变种的效果较差。

Beijing was among the earliest to be hit, with 80 percent or more of the population having contracted the virus by the end of December, according to estimates by Zeng Guang, former chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Videos showed hospitals in the Chinese capital packed with sick patients, many of them elderly.
据中国疾病预防控制中心前首席流行病学家曾光估计,北京是最早受灾的城市之一,到 12 月底已有 80% 或更多的人口感染了该病毒。 视频显示,中国首都的医院挤满了病人,其中许多是老人。

A funeral home in Tongzhou, on the outskirts of Beijing, appears to have built a new parking area around that time, according to imagery captured by Maxar on Dec 24.
根据 Maxar 于 12 月 24 日拍摄的图像,北京郊区通州的一家殡仪馆似乎在那个时候建造了一个新的停车场。

Using additional imagery taken by Planet Labs, The Post determined that the expansion occurred sometime on or after Dec. 22. Two days later, over 100 vehicles were parked at the funeral home.
使用 Planet Labs 拍摄的其他图像,邮报确定扩建发生在 12 月 22 日或之后的某个时间。两天后,100 多辆汽车停在了殡仪馆。

Staff at the funeral home were working overtime, cremating as many as 150 bodies a day, up from 40, according to a since-deleted report published by the state-run Beijing Youth Daily. Police were seen at the funeral home overseeing a steady stream of arrivals on Dec. 21, according to Reuters. But mentions of the facility were conspicuously absent from major Chinese web platforms when The Post searched them in early January.
据官方媒体《北京青年报》发表的一篇已被删除的报道称,殡仪馆的工作人员加班加点,每天火化的尸体从 40 具增加到 150 具。 据路透社报道,12 月 21 日,有人看到警察在殡仪馆监督源源不断的到来。 但是,当《华盛顿邮报》在 1 月初进行搜索时,中国主要网络平台上明显没有提及该设施。


Outside the Kunming Funeral Home in the southwestern province of Yunnan, the parking areas were unusually crowded on Jan. 5, compared with imagery taken a year earlier. Vehicles can be seen parked along streets near an entrance, where people are also visible.
与一年前拍摄的图像相比,1 月 5 日,位于西南省份云南省的昆明殡仪馆外的停车场异常拥挤。 可以看到车辆停在入口附近的街道上,那里也可以看到行人。

On Dec. 28 and 29, an account on Douyin — the Chinese version of TikTok — posted photographs and a video showing crowded conditions at the facility. The Post could not confirm the exact time of filming, but the video included shots of heavy crowding taken both during the day and at night.
12 月 28 日至 29 日,抖音(TikTok 的中文版)上的一个帐户发布了照片和视频,显示该设施拥挤的情况。 邮报无法确认拍摄的确切时间,但视频中包含白天和晚上拍摄的大量拥挤照片。

Another video, posted on Jan. 2, showed lines snaking through the same building. “This year’s epidemic. This many people are waiting in line through the night,” wrote the user who posted it.
1 月 2 日发布的另一段视频显示,线路蜿蜒穿过同一栋大楼。 “今年疫情。 这么多人排了一整夜的队,”发帖的用户写道。

The deceased are usually cremated within days in urban areas, said Huwy-min Lucia Liu, an anthropology professor at George Mason University. This means that people seeking services in large cities like Kunming were probably doing so for family members who had recently died, she said.
乔治梅森大学人类学教授 Huwy-min Lucia Liu 说,在城市地区,死者通常会在几天内火化。 她说,这意味着在昆明等大城市寻求服务的人可能是为最近去世的家人寻求服务。

“People waiting outside the funeral parlor at night would not be there to attend a funeral as guests,” Liu said. “They might be bereaved families or funeral brokers there representing bereaved families who are waiting to get in first thing in the morning to make arrangements for memorial services and cremation. Normally, that would not require lining up, let alone doing so at night.”
“晚上在殡仪馆外等候的人不会以客人身份参加葬礼,”刘说。 “他们可能是死者家属或代表死者家属的葬礼经纪人,他们正等着早上第一件事就是安排追悼会和火葬。 正常情况下不用排队,更不用说晚上了。”


The Post verified videos taken since late December showing crowds outside the Baoxing and Longhua funeral parlors, two large facilities in central Shanghai.
邮报核实了自去年 12 月下旬以来拍摄的视频,显示了上海市中心的两个大型殡仪馆宝兴和龙华殡仪馆外的人群。

One video, taken at night and posted to Douyin in the early hours of Dec. 28 showed a long line outside Baoxing. The uploader commented that the line consisted of family members as well as “scalpers” holding spaces, who had waited for more than five hours. Police have publicly warned against scalping.
12 月 28 日凌晨在抖音上发布的一段夜间拍摄的视频显示,宝兴外排起了长队。 上传者评论说,排队的有家属和“黄牛”等位,等了五个多小时。 警方已公开警告不要剥头皮。

“I have never seen such a long line outside Baoxing,” said Liu of George Mason University, who has studied the funeral industry in the city. “Having spent 18 months in various Shanghai funeral parlors, this long line is definitely unusual,” she said.
“我从来没有在宝兴以外的地方见过这么长的队伍,”研究该市殡葬业的乔治梅森大学的刘说。 “在上海各大殡仪馆呆了18个月,排这么长的队绝对不寻常,”她说。

For Shi, a 27-year-old Shanghai resident whose father died of covid just a month after turning 60, the process at the Baoxing Funeral Home was especially grueling. His father died at home on Dec. 21 but the funeral parlor told Shi that because of the number of people waiting, it would be another five days before arrangements could be made for his cremation. The family would have to keep the body at home in the meantime.
对于 27 岁的上海居民石来说,他的父亲在 60 岁刚过一个月就死于武汉肺炎,在宝兴殡仪馆的过程尤其艰辛。 他的父亲于 12 月 21 日在家中去世,但殡仪馆告诉施,由于等待的人数众多,还需要五天才能安排他的火葬。 在此期间,家人必须将遗体留在家中。

To make sure he got a slot for his father, Shi started queuing at 9 p.m. the night before. When he arrived there were already 50 people in line. Police were on-site to keep order. He waited through the night, finally getting a number for his father at 8 a.m. the next day; the cremation was conducted a few hours later at another site. No family members were allowed to attend. Shi was told the ashes would be available for collection in a month or two.
为了确保他能为他的父亲找到一个位置,施从晚上 9 点开始排队。 前一天晚上。 当他到达时,已经有50人在排队了。 警察在现场维持秩序。 他等了一整夜,终于在第二天早上 8 点为他父亲弄到一个电话号码; 几个小时后,火葬在另一个地点进行。 没有家庭成员被允许参加。 石被告知骨灰将在一两个月内收集。

“For ordinary families like us, this is definitely a heavy blow,” Shi said. Although Shi’s father tested positive before he died, the cause of death was listed as “underlying disease.”
“对于我们这样的普通家庭来说,这绝对是一个沉重的打击,”施说。 施的父亲虽然生前检测呈阳性,但死因被列为“基础疾病”。

“Is this not a blatant lie?” he asked.
“这不是明目张胆的谎言吗?” 他问。


In Nanjing, a major city northwest of Shanghai, Maxar satellite imagery from Jan. 3 captured a line of white vehicles along a road inside the Nanjing Funeral Home, a sprawling complex built in 2013. A video posted on Twitter on Dec. 23 showed vans stretching to a road south of the complex. The Post could not confirm the date the footage was recorded.
在上海西北部的一个主要城市南京,1 月 3 日的 Maxar 卫星图像捕捉到南京殡仪馆内道路上的一排白色车辆,南京殡仪馆是一座建于 2013 年的庞大建筑群。12 月 23 日在 Twitter 上发布的一段视频显示,面包车 延伸到建筑群南边的一条道路。 邮报无法确认录像的录制日期。

Similar scenes were recorded north of the city, at the Liuhe District Funeral Home. A resident named Jin, who gave only her surname because of security concerns, described waiting for almost a full day to deliver the body of her grandfather to the facility for cremation.
城北的六合区殡仪馆也记录了类似的场景。 一位名叫金的居民出于安全考虑只透露了她的姓氏,她描述说等了将近一整天才将她祖父的遗体送到火葬场火化。

A video Jin posted and later deleted from Douyin showed a long line of vans and plumes of smoke filling the sky overhead. The Post verified that video, along with another Jin shared that showed the same types of vans waiting along Mayuxian Road, more than 1,000 feet from the facility.
金在抖音上发布但后来被删除的一段视频显示,头顶上空有一排长长的货车和滚滚浓烟。 邮报证实了该视频以及金分享的另一段视频,该视频显示同类型的货车在距离该设施 1000 多英尺的马峪仙路上等候。

Jin said she saw at least 40 vans outside the funeral home, as well as residents who had been apparently unable to secure a van transporting bodies on small utility trolleys. A receptionist at the funeral home said all the freezers for storing cadavers were full.
金说,她在殡仪馆外看到至少 40 辆面包车,还有居民显然无法找到一辆用小型手推车运送尸体的面包车。 殡仪馆的接待员说,所有存放尸体的冰柜都满了。

“Our driver told me that he has been doing this job for decades but he has never seen anything like this,” Jin, 29, said. “It’s really sad.”
“我们的司机告诉我,他做这份工作已经几十年了,但他从未见过这样的事情,”29 岁的金说。 “真的很难过。”


At the Donglin Funeral Home in Chengdu in the southwestern province of Sichuan, satellite imagery taken by Maxar on Dec. 21 showed dozens of vehicles parked around the complex, including white vehicles resembling vans used to transport bodies. An image taken a year earlier, on Dec. 18, 2021, showed the funeral home practically empty of vehicles.
Maxar 于 12 月 21 日拍摄的卫星图像显示,在西南省份四川省成都的东林殡仪馆,数十辆车辆停在院落周围,其中包括用于运送遗体的类似货车的白色车辆。 一年前拍摄于 2021 年 12 月 18 日的一张照片显示,殡仪馆几乎没有车辆。

Facing overwhelming demand, Donglin has had to curtail normal operations, staff said.

“Due to the unusual circumstances, we are suspending all memorial services, but families can still bid farewell to the deceased prior to cremation,” a receptionist told The Post on Thursday.

When asked how long families had to say goodbye, she added: “Two minutes.”

A nationwide surge

In addition to Chengdu, Kunming, Nanjing and Beijing, The Post also found increased traffic at funeral homes in Tangshan, a city east of Beijing, and Huzhou, near Shanghai.

“As a general trend, we have seen increased vehicle activity and traffic at a number of funeral homes and crematoriums in Chinese cities during the past month when compared to similar time periods in past years,” Stephen Wood, senior director of Maxar News Bureau, said in an email.
Maxar News Bureau 高级主管斯蒂芬·伍德 (Stephen Wood) 表示:“总的趋势是,与过去几年的类似时期相比,过去一个月中国城市的一些殡仪馆和火葬场的车辆活动和交通量有所增加,” 在一封电子邮件中说。

The funeral homes captured by satellite imagery offer a snapshot of what is happening across the country.

People working at funeral homes in other parts of the country have provided further evidence of what is happening on the ground. The receptionist at the Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing described how workers were split into three shifts so the home could operate 24 hours a day. “From when I started work to when I got off, the lobby area was totally full of people arranging cremations,” she said.
在该国其他地区的殡仪馆工作的人们提供了当地发生的事情的进一步证据。 重庆江南殡仪馆的接待员描述了工人们如何分成三班倒,使殡仪馆可以一天 24 小时运作。 “从我上班到下班,大厅里全是安排火葬的人,”她说。

At Jingyunshan, a funeral parlor in Guiyang, the capital of the southwestern province of Guizhou, a receptionist said they handled up to 250 bodies a day during the last two weeks of December — more than twice the facility’s daily peak before covid restrictions were lifted. Storage space was full and incinerators were operating 24 hours a day.
在西南部省份贵州省省会贵阳的景云山殡仪馆,一名接待员说,在 12 月的最后两周,他们每天处理多达 250 具遗体——是该设施取消武汉肺炎疫情限制前每日处理高峰的两倍多。 存储空间已满,焚化炉每天 24 小时运行。

There have also been numerous obituaries announcing the deaths of public figures whose passing was not reflected in the official count. They include a former diplomat who helped negotiate Hong Kong’s handover to China, whose wife said he had covid, and the designer of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics mascot, who died of a “severe cold.”
还有许多讣告宣布了公众人物的死亡,但官方统计数字并未反映这些人的逝世。 他们包括一位曾帮助谈判香港回归中国的前外交官,他的妻子说他感染了武汉肺炎,以及 2008 年北京夏季奥运会吉祥物的设计师,他死于“严寒”。

Pressed on the real death count, authorities have tried to assuage the public.

Liang Wannian, a top adviser on the government’s coronavirus response team, said at a news conference late last month that the authorities would only be able to investigate covid deaths after the current wave. Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, added that the center has been analyzing excess mortality rates and would release the results later.
政府冠状病毒应对小组高级顾问梁万年在上月底的新闻发布会上表示,当局只能在当前浪潮过后调查武汉肺炎死亡病例。 中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友补充说,该中心一直在分析超额死亡率,稍后将公布结果。

Those answers may not come soon enough for residents.

In Jinan, the capital of the eastern province of Shandong, Wang, 24, drove past the Jinan Funeral Home at 3 a.m. on Dec. 30 and saw almost 100 people waiting in line in the cold. He stopped to record the scene — some in the group were fighting after a person had attempted to cut in line. Wang, who gave only his surname for fear of retribution by authorities, posted the video on Douyin but later found that the authorities had censored it.
12 月 30 日凌晨 3 点,24 岁的王在东部山东省省会济南开车经过济南殡仪馆,看到近 100 人在寒冷中排队等候。 他停下来记录了这一幕——在有人试图插队后,小组中的一些人正在打架。 由于害怕遭到当局报复,王某只透露了自己的姓氏,他将这段视频发布在抖音上,但后来发现当局已经对其进行了审查。

“It’s hard for me to understand why they want to shut our mouths,” he said.


深切缅怀战狼外交最大推动者——赵立坚同志!感谢赵立坚同志在 2020年2月至2022年12月初 任职外交部大屁眼子职位时的辛勤付出!也正是赵立坚同志下图这场战狼外交让我知道了 @郭庆越 等党国在编网评人员采用的战术之一就是 “第一时间截图外网新闻,启用原汤化原食的方式攻击外国政府” ,用敌人的话攻击敌人。

祝愿赵立坚同志在新的岗位中继续将战狼精神发扬广大! (赵立坚那鸡巴媳妇要是不要的话,可不可以分给榴友们尝尝鲜? )

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